
About the Crest
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About the Crest

The shield is Crimson and Gold,  representing  Courage, Purity,  and Strength.  The Mighty Oak represents our solid and majestic dedication to one another.  The Ship, Sails Furled represents the Voyage we have all taken to come together as a Family.   The Beasts are Unicorns,  Symbols of Truth, Honor, and Unyielding Loyalty.  There are Two, Forever Together at Play and Comradery.  Thus is the Spirit of Our Family.

Our Motto:  Esto Perpetua
May It Last Forever

Why did I choose the Unicorn as the symbol for our crest?

The Unicorn has been a symbol of Myth and Lore in almost every culture throughout recorded time.  It is even mentioned in several verses of the Bible.

The understanding in most western cultures, including our own, is that the Unicorn is an animal that poses certain qualities, among which include Love, Strength, Unity, and Truth.


Even though the existence of the unicorn is questionable, its symbolism
is not.  The beast, like all mythological creatures, has been a reflection
of man's hopes and fears, dreams and nightmares, and inner consciousness.

Freud considered mythological beasts as representations of 'universal fears
and feelings'.  Specifically, Jung thought that the purity of the unicorn
was of greater importance.  Most mythological creatures represent man's
worst traits, and are usually more evil than animals, or man.  They kill
for pleasure, and are often involved in unspeakable atrocities.

The unicorn is an exception to the rule, being a symbol of strength, purity, hope, love, and majesty.

I believe that this ancient, yet somehow modern symbol is a true representation of our family.  Think about it, we all love each other unconditionally, we are true to one another, and our incredible bond is near mythical.

Should the World learn to love one another as does our Family, then we could call All of Mankind Brother.  For within each and every heart would lay the true meaning of of Love, Strength, and Loyalty.  A bond that niether strife nor anguish could ever put asunder.
Our life is Worth Living and we Don't need to see the end.
May it Last Forever!